

Aphasia is a language disorder that affects the expression or understanding of spoken or written language.

Language disability is a condition caused by a brain lesion located, in the vast majority of cases, in the left cerebral hemisphere.

These lesions can occur at any age, but they are more common in older people with stroke or dementia.

Aphasia is distinct from voice disorders ( dysphonies) and speech disorders ( dysarthrias), although people with aphasia may experience articulatory difficulties and changes in vocal volume.


A lesion of one or more areas of the brain, such as Broca’s area, the white matter, the caudate nucleus, the temporoparietal cortex, or Wernicke’s area, which can be caused by stroke, ischemic or hemorrhagic origin, head trauma, brain tumor, or dementia ( Alzheimer’s disease ).

Signs and symptoms

Despite the integrity of the tongue and larynx, the person has difficulty speaking, articulating, and understanding what is said to him.

The most characteristic symptom of aphasia is the difficulty of spontaneously finding the right word during a dialogue or in a test intended to name an object that one visualizes.

This characteristic is distinguished from non-aphasic language disorders (which are observed for example in the context of the dysexecutive syndrome) or from a confusional state.

The inability to find the correct word usually stems from a difficulty in accessing the correct phonological form. The semantic knowledge concerning the item to be named is intact.

For example, an aphasic person who cannot name the word “orange” is able to say that it is a citrus fruit, orange in color, and has no difficulty in recognizing the image of an orange. In addition, the missing word is often accompanied by an impression of having the word on the tip of the tongue and can be found by a clue (for example, the word begins with the sound « O »).

Written language is as much altered as oral language in the majority of cases.

There are mainly three forms of aphasia:

Wernicke’s area located in the left hemisphere.Broca’s area located in the left hemisphere.

 FluencyMissing wordUnderstandingsigns
Global aphasiavery diminishedStrong inability to find the wordvery alteredSpeech often limited to a stereotype
Wernicke’s aphasiaNormalFairly strong inability to find the wordvery alteredParaphasias, dyssyntaxia, jargon
Broca’s aphasiaDiminishedInability to find the wordBelow parDysprosody, agrammatism

Other forms of aphasia are:


Examination of the expression and comprehension of oral language.

Take into account the level of education and the mother tongue.

Written language exam

This examination can be deepened with more complex tests such as the definition of words, the interpretation of a text or the construction of a sentence with words.

Aphasia caused by stroke

It seems that fluent aphasias (Wernicke type) are more common than non-fluent aphasias with agrammatism in elderly people who have suffered a stroke.

The clinical profile can be more complex, with little difficulty in finding the word. Semantic paraphasia and visual errors can occur in patients with associated cognitive, behavioral and mood symptoms (slowing down, attention disorders, executive functions, memory disorders, depression, anxiety, apathy). Moreover, the precise evaluation of these patients is made difficult by the associated disorders and by fatigue.

Aphasia and dementia

Aphasia is present in people with different forms of dementia, partly Alzheimer’s disease  and especially  frontotemporal dementias.

Aphasia can be a symptom among others or, on the contrary, be at the forefront throughout the evolution: we then speak of primary progressive aphasia, a pathology that is part of the frontotemporal dementias.

Primary progressive aphasia usually affects people in their 60s, with an insidious onset characterized by difficulties in spontaneous speech that get progressively worse. There are two possible forms:

  1. progressive nonfluent aphasia with reduced speech, articulatory difficulties, and agrammatism, while comprehension remains preserved;
  2.  fluent progressive aphasia with fluent speech but difficulty understanding the word.

A particular form of primary progressive aphasia, logopenic aphasia, appears in Alzheimer’s disease.

In Alzheimer’s disease, language disorders appear discreetly and are mainly due to a lack of semantic knowledge rather than an inability to find the word.
