
How Can Eating Fruit Reduce the Risk of Diabetes?

Eating fruit can have many health benefits, but did you know that it can also help prevent diabetes? Studies have found that increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is linked to a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Learn more about the benefits of adding fruits to your diet for diabetic prevention.

Fruits Contain Essential Nutrients

Fruits are naturally high in several vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that can help to control blood sugar levels. Eating fruits rich in fiber, such as apples and pears, has been linked with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, they are sources of antioxidants, which play a role in insulin sensitivity and overall health. Even consuming small amounts of fruit can make a difference; aim for four portions each day or more if possible.

Fruits are Low in Sugar and High in Fiber

Fruits are nutritional powerhouses that provide a variety of essential nutrients. Additionally, most fruits contain low levels of sugar and high levels of beneficial fiber, which aids with blood sugar control and digestion. Eating enough fruits can help to reduce insulin resistance and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or managing its symptoms. Include multiple types of fruit in your meals such as apples, oranges, strawberries, melons, etc. for better health outcomes.

Eating a Variety of Different Fruits Will Help to Reduce Diabetes Risk

Consuming a variety of different types of fruits can help to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Different fruits contain varying amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Eating an assortment of these nutrients from different fruits can help your body to properly digest and regulate sugars which helps to reduce insulin resistance and other diabetes-related complications. Additionally, try to buy organic, fresh produce as it will have more beneficial nutrients than processed varieties.

Seek Out Fresh or Frozen Fruits for reducing the risk of diabetes

When trying to reduce the risk of developing diabetes, it’s important to choose fruits with maximum nutritional value. Eating fresh or frozen fruits is a great way to do this as these will generally contain more vitamins and minerals than canned or dried varieties. Try to buy organic, locally-sourced fruits if possible as this reduces the amount of pesticides, preservatives and other chemicals that may be present in the food. Additionally, eating fresh fruit will also help you to get a healthy dose of fiber which can help regulate digestion and sugar levels.

Limit Your Consumption of Processed Fruit Products

While eating fruit is an excellent way to get healthy nutrients, you should limit your consumption of processed fruit products. This includes juice, dried fruits and canned or sugary fruits. These types of packaged and processed products often contain added sugar or preservatives which could increase your risk of diabetes. Eating whole fresh fruit is always the best option for reducing your risk of diabetes.

Fruits to avoid

Eating fruits can be beneficial for those with diabetes, but some types of fruit should be consumed in moderation. Fruits that contain higher levels of sugar on the glycemic index (70-100) such as watermelons and overly ripe bananas are safe to eat, but only in small portions since these foods can raise blood sugar levels. The sugar found in fresh fruit is not considered ‘free sugar’, which come from sources such as honey, syrups and sodas; rather, it is fructose which does not have much effect on a person’s blood sugar or insulin levels. It is also important to note that while the amount of carbohydrates eaten has a greater effect on blood sugar levels than fruit, it may be wise to limit certain unhealthy carb foods first before reducing consumption of healthy fruits.