
Nutritional Supplements for Bone Fracture Healing

If you have recently suffered a bone fracture, taking the right supplements can be beneficial in promoting healing and preventing future fractures. Here are nine essential nutrients that research suggests play a role in helping bones repair themselves and reduce recovery time.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for strong bones, as it helps the body absorb calcium. While you can get small amounts of vitamin D from fortified milk, eggs, and some fatty fish, your best source is sun exposure. People with darker skin may need more time in direct sunlight to synthesize enough vitamin D. If you don’t get enough sun exposure or have limited access to foods containing this vitamin, consider taking a supplement.


Iron is an essential nutritional supplement for bones, as it helps to create healthy red blood cells which carry oxygen to the cells to help them heal. Iron also assists in fighting off bacteria that can cause infection in your bones. If you are not getting enough iron through your diet, speak with your doctor about taking a daily supplement like ferrous sulfate or ferrous gluconate.


Calcium is an important mineral for many bodily functions, and bone health is no exception. If you’re living with a fracture, an increased intake of calcium supplements can help your body to build strong bones and aid in healing. Look for calcium citrate or calcium carbonate when selecting a supplement, as they are both easily absorbed by the body.

Magnesium : one of the most important supplements involved in the formation of bones

Magnesium is another important mineral for aiding your bones’ recovery from a fracture. It helps to maintain strong muscles and cognitive awareness, as well as being directly involved in the formation of bones. Many people with a diet that is low in magnesium may find that their body requires an increased intake of this mineral to help support the process of healing a fractured bone.


Boron, like other trace minerals, plays a crucial role in bone and joint health. It’s regularly used to reduce inflammation and aid the healing process of tissue that has become damaged due to fractures or other injuries. As a supplement it also helps with maintaining healthy bones and boosting your overall physical vitality. In addition to helping heal fractured bones, boron can help to reduce calcium loss which can encourage stronger bones and prevent future fractures.

Calcium and vitamin D in bone fracture healing

Maintaining healthy bones requires a sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D. When these nutrients are lacking, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases. In addition, the compromised bone repair is often observed in osteoporotic patients due to deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation may be a potential strategy for treating compromised fracture healing in osteoporotic patients. Furthermore, evidence suggests that a fracture event may lead to post-traumatic bone loss in the non-fractured skeleton, particularly in osteoporotic patients. This can exacerbate osteoporosis and increase the risk of secondary fractures. Since the skeleton is the main source of calcium, insufficient calcium and vitamin D status can lead to post-traumatic calcium mobilization. However, research on the roles of calcium and vitamin D in bone repair and post-traumatic bone turnover is currently limited.