
Top 12 Foods to Lower Cholesterol

The importance of cholesterol for the human body is ambiguous. Its influence on life is great: it prevents aging, promotes the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins and so on. On the other hand, it’s detrimental, preventing normal blood circulation.

Medical drugs can help to maintain a neutral level, but the main burden is on the organization of a proper diet. It’s necessary to eat those foods that break down the « bad » cholesterol.

Where It Comes From

With cholesterol, understanding how it works is as easy as playing at It’s known that cholesterol comes with food – 20% of the total amount, the rest is synthesized in the liver. However, it can also be produced by the skin, nervous tissue, intestines, female and male reproductive organs.

In the body and in all tissues, except the nervous tissue, cholesterol is in a state of continuous metabolism. In the liver, it’s converted into bile acids, which are needed to digest food, and fats specifically. The liver is the organ that not only synthesizes cholesterol but also ensures its breakdown.

In the body, cholesterol is found in the form of lipoproteins – carriers. The thing is that it can’t dissolve in the aqueous phase, so in order to stay in the blood plasma, it needs helpers. These carriers also contain triglycerides and other fats.


The berries are used to brew tea and make infusions. Improves liver function, normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Vitamin C contained in rosehips boosts the immune system, increases the body’s resistance to colds.


A wonderful source of fiber in its natural form. The product’s dietary fiber, getting into the human body, acts as a scrub, removing excess cholesterol along with toxins and toxic substances. At the same time, they normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

Red Rice

Beneficial effects on the body are characteristic of uncooked red rice. It contains statins – substances that block the work of the liver enzyme responsible for the synthesis of this compound.


All kinds of nuts are suitable:

Nuts should be eaten in their natural form, as high temperatures during roasting destroy the useful substances.

Flax Seeds

The useful properties of flaxseeds are due to their chemical composition:

Olive Oil

The main benefit is a pronounced diuretic effect. Unsaturated fatty acids favor the synthesis of useful cholesterol, the withdrawal of bad. Phytosterols oil removes excess harmful lipoproteins.


It contains:

These substances prevent the production of cholesterol in the liver, reduce the absorption of fats in the gastrointestinal tract, and promote the breakdown of low-density lipoproteins.

Black Chokeberry

Consumption of decoctions and jam from berries improves the condition of blood vessels, strengthens their walls, and has a positive effect on the liver. The result is a lowering of cholesterol levels.

Green Tea

It’s a source of catechins – an organic substance that slows down the absorption of harmful cholesterol. It promotes the removal of poisonous substances.


Dietary fiber:

They don’t allow the bad compound to be absorbed and provide good excretion of the poisonous substances.


Not only increases the body’s resistance in the cold period but also prevents blood clots, normalizes blood pressure and blood circulation. Phytoncides garlic normalizes the blood lipid content.


The lycopene they contain is a natural antioxidant. It prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol, prevents oxidation of low-level lipoprotein.