How to reduce the risk of hypertension

Healthy Lifestyle

Certain rules of hygiene can reduce the risk of hypertension. For hypertensives, these rules will increase the effectiveness of the medication.

Maintain a healthy diet

You can reduce your risk of hypertension by losing 5 kg in 6 months and maintaining your weight for three years if you eat healthy (fruits, vegetables, and lower fat foods).

World Health Organization recommends a daily salt intake of 5 g, the equivalent of a good teaspoon. The intake of salt increases the risk of hypertension.

Less salty foods also eliminate tissue water

A high amount of salt is present in many industrial products (prepared meals). These products should be avoided as much as possible.

Eat the following foods

  • In order to regulate blood pressure, dairy products, preferably low-fat, contain proteins that dilate and enlarge the arteries.
  • Fruits and vegetables contain ingredients (in particular polyphenols) which are vasodilators and antioxidants, as well as potassium, which regulates blood pressure.
  • Oat flakes are particularly useful for regulating insulin, which promotes atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  • Baguettes should be avoided in favor of wholemeal bread.

Engage in physical activity

  • Take part in regular physical activity (30 minutes, three times a week) such as swimming, cycling, walking, etc.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation
  • Weight gain and blood pressure are facilitated by alcohol.
  • Antihypertensive medications can also be less effective when consumed with alcohol.
  • Alcohol withdrawal can treat hypertension in chronic alcoholics.

Sleep well

A lack of sleep increases the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, as well as hypertension. Hypertension is 30% more likely to occur in people who do not sleep enough or do not sleep well. It has been suggested that those who slept 7 to 8 hours per night were most protected.

Polypharmacy should be limited

The following medications increase blood pressure: antidepressants, birth control pills, cancer drugs, anti-inflammatories, and cortisone.